Sleep Disturbances in Autism

JEWEL AUTISM CENTER IS THE BEST AUTISM TREATMENT CENTER IN KOTTAYAM Around 80% of children suffering from ASD have Sleep problems. In typically developing children sleep problems and insufficient sleep can result in daytime sleepiness, learning problems and behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, inattentiveness and aggression. Recent studies in children with Autism stated that a poor sleeper shows more problematic behavior than good sleepers. Difficulty in falling asleep and repeated awakenings during the night is the most common sleep problems in children with ASD. Jewel Autism Center is the Best autism treatment center in Kottayam 80% of kids suffering from ASD have Sleep problems. Studies are underway in children with ASD evaluating levels of hormones such as melatonin and other chemicals released by the brain known to affect sleep. Behavioral issues such as poor sleep hygiene and limit-setting problems can contribute to insomnia. In addition, medical issues more commo...