
Showing posts from July, 2018

Sleep Disturbances in Autism

JEWEL AUTISM CENTER IS THE BEST AUTISM TREATMENT CENTER IN KOTTAYAM Around 80% of children suffering from ASD have Sleep problems. In typically developing children sleep problems and insufficient sleep can result in daytime sleepiness, learning problems and behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, inattentiveness and aggression. Recent studies in children with Autism stated that a poor sleeper shows more problematic behavior than good sleepers. Difficulty in falling asleep and repeated awakenings during the night is the most common sleep problems in children with ASD. Jewel Autism Center is the Best autism treatment center in Kottayam 80% of kids suffering from ASD have Sleep problems. Studies are underway in children with ASD evaluating levels of hormones such as melatonin and other chemicals released by the brain known to affect sleep. Behavioral issues such as poor sleep hygiene and limit-setting problems can contribute to insomnia. In addition, medical issues more commo...


Self talk is a strategy simply means, talk about what you are doing, seeing or thinking when your child is present. In other word, narrate your actions. E.g.: “I see a doggie. Oh! a big doggie. Parallel talk is another strategy to enhance language development; talk about what your child is doing or seeing. In other words narrate what he/she is doing. E.g.:  Oh! Your tower fell down Self talk and parallel talk Overview about effectiveness When you are using self talk and parallel talk there is no requirement of your child to imitate what you are saying. These techniques give your child an exposure to language during play and daily routine. Using self-talk and parallel talk expose the child to words which bridge the gap between a child who may not realize actions, objects and feelings. But don’t expect them to repeat immediately, if they tries to imitate you should reinforce the effort of your child. You have to make sure that you are not over doing it. Use words and phra...
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Play is important for a healthy brain development .Children learn to engage and interact with the world around them at a very early age through play. How  Autism  can affect play? Children with Autism enjoy playing, but they can find some types of difficulty while playing. It is common to have a very limited play, only with few toys or play in a repetitive manner. E.g.: Your child might like spinning the wheels on a toy car and enjoy watching the wheels rotate or might complete a puzzle in the same order every time. Autism affects the development of social and communication skills, it can also affect the development of important skills needed for play, such as the ability to copy simple actions, explore the environment, share objects and attention with others, respond to others and ...

What is picky eating

“Picky eating” is often normal in early childhood period but if persist with extreme behaviours even after 2 years of age to normal food habits appropriate to the culture and country then it is a notable area to intervene by  special professionals or in special methods. Children with  Autism Spectrum disorder  often come with problem in food selectivity where it never subsided even after the early childhood period. Parents of these children are usually worried of their food, where they already being restricted to food on Diet program but their kids don’t adopt to the food of safer zones. Usually, children with ASD and those with  sensory problems  often show difficulty to adopt taste/texture. They show restrictive patterns in taking up food based on taste/texture sensitivity. Sometimes smell sensitivity or tactile sensitivity by hands to touch too has a role for selectivity of limited foods by these children. The problem behaviors of those childre...

Benefits Of Probiotics In Autism

First of all we should understand what is probiotic ?  Probiotics are defined as  “Live microorganism which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.”  Autism  is characterized by a collection of neurobehavioral, neurological, gastrointestinal & immunological dysfunction that includes a loss of eye contact, deficiencies in socialization & communication, abnormal theory of mind function, language dysfunction, restrictive, repetitive & stereotypical behaviours, food allergies, constipation, yeast infection and other  behavioural  & medical conditions. ASD is complicated condition that may require an integrative protocol involving many factors including behavioural & social therapy, dietary supplements, and nutritional alternative biomedical therapies. Daily probiotics usage is recommended & dosage varies from person to person. Dosage depends on the age of the child, extent of intestinal f...

Essential oils that can benefit kids with Autism & ADHD

An essential oil is basically a liquid distilled from the leaves, stems, flowers, roots and other parts of a plant. Transition periods are particularly challenging for many children with ASD such as when a child goes from dinner to bed. The parents who are using essential oils shared their experiences that essential oils have helped the children to stay calm during transition periods. It also helps the children to sleep. In the case of children with ASD, ADHD and ADD (attention deficit disorders) the oil should be applied to the sole of the feet, neck, top of the head, chest, forehead, abdomen, arms and legs. To ensure efficiency it is recommended that essential oils are used 2 to 3 times a day at the start. Then he frequency should be gradually reduces day by day. Some essential oils that can help in Autism, ADHD & ADD : – Peppermint – It is common for a child with autism to have gastrointestinal problems. Using peppermint oil can helps in relieve gas pain, and enha...