Clubfoot is a birth defect where one or both feet are rotated inwards and downwards. The affected foot, calf, leg may be smaller than the other. In about half of those affected both feet are involved. Congenital clubfoot is present at the time of birth and affects the foot or ankle. There is no known cause for clubfoot, and it is twice as common in male children as it is in female children. The frequency of congenital clubfoot is approximately 1 per 1,240 live births. In children with clubfoot, there is a subtle imbalance in muscle forces in the lower leg resulting in the foot deformity. Often, the foot is "kidney-shaped." About 50 percent of the time, both feet are affected with clubfoot. Clubfoot is mainly idiopathic, which means that the cause is unknown. Genetic factors are believed to play a major role, and some specific gene changes have been associated with it, but this is not yet well understood. It appears to be passed down through families. It is not caused ...