Functional/Manipulative Play

Functional/Manipulative Play Children learn about objects and their use through functional play. They use toys or objects in the way in which they are intended. They will roll a ball and stack blocks. This type of play can also be described as manipulative play. A child uses their hands to manipulate toys and objects to learn about how to use them. This includes construction play, arts and crafts and tool-use (e.g. scissors) and helps to develop eye-hand co-ordination. Early Manipulative Play Manipulative Play in the early stages is about learning to use your hands. Fine motor skills develop through a number of different stages from sensory awareness to in-hand manipulation and tool-use. These skills are essential for the development of other activities of daily living. Below are some play activities to help your child develop these essential skills. Reach Grasp Release Reach, grasp and release are fundamental fine motor skills...